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The Bowharp Legends

The Bowharp Legends is a play set in northern Sweden and has a Sami (Lapp) theme. The links below may be useful for understanding some aspects of the play.

Drawing of a bowharp
History of the runebomme (ritual drum)
More on the runebomme
Picture of a runebomme
Sami shamanism and the journey to the underworld
Background to sami music, runebomme, and joiks
Sami music catalogue and samples
Sami tour (Flash)

Sami music samples. You'll need Windows Media Player to hear these. Note that the links below are to www.dat.musiconline.no; if they reorganise their site, the links here might break, in which case go to their home page and find the link to Yoik/samii.

Govadas, from an album called "BEAIVI, ÁHCÁZAN" (The Sun, my Father), by NILS-ASLAK VALKEPÄÄ.
Unaccompanied joik by JOHAN SARA JR. & GROUP.
Unaccompanied joik with drums, by JOHAN SARA JR. & GROUP.


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